The cream spot tiger moth is nocturnal. Like most tiger moths it has bright yellow to orange under wings, with several black spots on it, that are used to scare of enemies. Eggs are laid together a large number. After some time the larvae (caterpillars) will hatch and will do little more than eating. These caterpillars have long dark brown to gray hair and they must molt to grow. The caterpillars rest during the winter, and after that start eating again. For pupal stage they spin a cocoon of silk, in which their long hair is also used.

Wingspan about 60 mm.

This tiger moth may be found in areas with low shrubs and vegetation. Caterpillars feed on various low-growing herbal plants.

Flight season
From May to July.

The caterpillars feed on many different kinds of herbs, including Lamium album (white dead-nettle) Stellaria media (chickweed), Hieracium (hawkweed), Ballota nigra (horehound) and Senecio (ragworts).

Europe and North Africa.