In central Europe there is usually only one generation per year in the South two generations. It is usually flying low and this resembles a flying moth. often he sit in places without vegetation. The larva lives in a web of coiled leaves of the foodplant, where also hibernation takes place. The top of the upper wing shows large irregular gray-green and brown spots and a few small bright spots. The top of the underwing is almost uniformly brown . The edges of the wings have small white dots. The underside is brown with light dots. The small fat caterpillar is green with a dark head.

The wingspan is about 25 mm. The caterpillar reaches a length around 20 mm.

They live on limestone soils and flowery grass landscapes to 2000 meters altitude.

Lotus corniculatus (Bird's-foot), Coronilla varia (Purple Crown Vetch), Hippocrepis comosa (Horseshoe Vetch).

Flight season
From mid April until June and a second generation from July until August.

Wide distribution in Europe and Asia to China.