On its head there is one pair of large, branched tentacles. The pelvic fins are connected to form a disk (like with many other blennies) and can be used to crawl along the sea floor. It only has one dorsal fin with a slight notch in the middle. They feed on small invertebrates such as crustaceans and echinoderms.
Mating time in in March-April when the females will deposit their eggs in small cavities between the rocks. The male will guard these eggs until they hatch after about 4 weeks.

The tompot blenny is one of the larger blennies, just like the shanny. They grow up to 300 mm in length.

The basic colour is brown to reddish brown, where at least 7 vertical bands can seen.

Subtidally between rocks and weeds.

North eastern Atlantic from Ireland to Marocco and the Mediterranean.