The streaked weever, like the greater weever, has a long tapered, laterally flattened body. This animals head seems to be even bigger than its mentioned relative and also the eyes and mouth on high on the head. In warmer months this animal moves into the shallow coastal area, where its highly poisonous spines can be a danger to swimmers. These spines are on the gills and also the first dorsal fin has 5-8 short spines connected poison gland. Treatment of the wound with vinegar or hot inactivates the poison.

Up to 50 cm in length.

Plain light colored bottom, back and sidewalls are covered with a darker brown leopard pattern.

This animal is to be found on sand, gravel and mud bottoms from the shallow area to 150 meters deep. It feeds on small benthic animals and small fish.

Eastern Atlantic from Gibraltar to West Africa and the entire Mediterranean.