The fire damsel occurs in most parts of Europe. Only abcent in the most northern part. Early April the first specimens can be found, but the peak seasin is in May-June. They can be confused with Ceriagrion tenellum. Pyrrhosoma nymphula males and females have characteristic black legs. They also have a distinct shoulder line and the wings have a dark blotch, at C.tenellum this is more red to reddish brown. Their food consists of small insects that are caughtin flight.

Body between 25 and 35 mm long.


The upper part of the body is dark with red or bright shoulder stripes. The body is red, the lower segments black, the females are usually slightly darker red. Both sexes have black legs.

Fens and sandy areas with different water types, given enough shore vegetation is present to provide shelter.

Entire Europe except for the high north.